What Do Writing Fiction, Watercolor Painting, and Crystals Have in Common?

To answer the question, what do writing fiction, watercolor painting, and crystals have in common? the answer is: ME!

I’m finding myself seeking something different from Social Media these days, something more in line with what matters to me. I know that sounds selfish (because it is) but maybe you feel the same way.

Now that I’m semi-retired and able to spend more time doing what I love (writing fiction, watercolor painting, and crystals), I find that I prefer to “chat” with people who share the same interests. A flash of inspiration struck, so I’m now prompting conversations on these (and other interesting to me) topics on my blog over at https://lindamchenry.com/blog.

Feel free to head over and join in the exchange! Some of the conversations appearing soon include:

  • What’s Your Favorite Type of Crystal/Gemstone? (posting at noon on Monday, 2/3)
  • Are You, or Someone You Know, a Highly Sensitive Person? (posting on Friday, 2/7)
  • Are You a Pantser, Plotter, or BOTH? (posting on Monday, 2/10)
  • Sometimes, Do You Just KNOW? (posting on Friday, 2/13)

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