Category: Insurance

  • April newsletter, Insurance Tidbits, now available online

    My April newsletter is now available online. The topics include A Little Lesson About Cannabis and Ridesharing versus Car-Sharing.

  • May Webinar Schedule Available

    To view the new webinar dates on my schedule, either click here or click on the Calendar or Insurance links at the top of the website to see my CE Webinar Schedule.

  • I am Back!

    Just a quick post to let you know I have not fallen off the face of the earth. The month of April brought that horrible stomach flu to my household and had us all laying low for nearly two weeks.

    Fortunately, the bug released its grip in time for us to head out to Florida on vacation, as planned, and for me to enjoy my birthday and Easter.

    I’ll be releasing my April Insurance Tidbits newsletter before the end of the month, along with my quarterly writing newsletter, Get it Write.In addition, my May webinar schedule will be posted tomorrow!

  • March Newsletter Now Available

    My newsletter is a little late this month, and a bit on the short side thanks to a stomach flu that wiped me out for 2 weeks. The first week I was taking care of others and the second week found me flat on my back.

    Here’s the link to the March issue of Insurance Tidbits. You can also visit the Newsletter page of the website at any time to see the current and past issues of Insurance Tidbits, as well as Get it Write.

    Happy Spring!
  • Have You Ever Attended an Insurance CE Webinar?

    If not, you might want to consider it.

    The webinar classes I teach are live, just like classroom seminars. The difference between a seminar and a webinar is that you attend a webinar from whatever location you choose rather than in a classroom chosen by the CE provider.

    You don’t need to pass an exam to receive CE credit and, so long as you comply with the CE requirements of your state, you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing.

    No, you don’t have to speak via your microphone. No, you don’t have to use your webcam and appear to anyone. You are required to periodically raise your hand (electronically) and send messages via the system but, otherwise, no one sees or hears you in the traditional sense.

    My April webinar schedule for insurance CE is now available. Why not check them out?