Category: Writing

  • Why you THINK you’re so much better in the morning … or at night

    Why you THINK you’re so much better in the morning … or at night

    Circadian rhythm: It’s the reason you find yourself full of energy at a particular time of day (or night) and really dragging at another time.

    Biological clock: Your internal timing device; usually a 24-hour clock. Your biological clock produces your circadian rhythm.

    So, what does this have to do with your productivity and whether you’re a morning person or a night owl?

    Well, your circadian rhythm is based partly on DNA and partly on external factors, such as daylight. “Larks” wake up and go to bed early; they tend to find themselves more productive in the morning. “Owls”  rise and hit the sack later, preferring to get their stuff done in the evening or at night.

    But researchers have found that most people hit their peak, creatively speaking, at precisely opposite the time they’re most productive. I, for one, agree with them.

    I’m a morning person. When it comes to balancing my checkbook, editing my writing, or having to use my left brain, I perform much better between 6 a.m. and noon. However, the best ideas I’ve ever had for my writing–and ways to solve plot and character defects–always come in the middle of the night when I wake up to go potty or just after I slip into bed at night.

    How does your circadian rhythm work with respect to your creativity?

  • Yes, You Really Can Have a Broken Heart

    Yes, You Really Can Have a Broken Heart

    I read an article recently about a 61-year-old woman who went to the ER thinking she had a heart attack. Doctors learned she suffered a broken heart after her dog died.

    Yes, there really is such a thing; it’s called takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or broken-heart syndrome.

    Doesn’t this make a great premise for inclusion in a book?!

    To read what Harvard Medical School has to say about it, click here.

  • My Short Story, Mama, is now Available

    Mama, appears in the 17th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection … and the book has hit the stands. Of the more than 5,200 entries,  Mama placed 15th.

    The book is currently on sale for 50% off retail price if you purchase it from the Writer’s Digest website by using this link.

  • And the winner is…


    No, I didn’t win first prize, but I placed 16 out of 25, so my short story, “Mama,” will be published in the 17th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition Collection.

    Each year, Writer’s Digest sponsors a variety of writing competitions, the winners of which win cash prizes and/or have their work published in the magazine or one of the books it publishes. Since this was only the second short story I’ve ever written, I’m very pleased with the win.

    Once I have details about how you can obtain your copy of the short story collection, I’ll post it here. I’ll be entering WD’s Annual Writing Competition next, so stay tuned for another announcement in October!

  • Daily Dose of Inspiration

    It is time for her to stand up and claim herself.

    She must now bring forth from beneath that bushel basket

    The wonders she has kept hidden for fear they’d be snatched away.


    She will collect the many griefs and burdens

    And surrender them in exchange for

    Solace in the arms of her treasures.


    She will gently close the door to yearnings for what will never be

    And throw wide the gateway to a paradise

    Where innumerable possibilities await.


    She will prod her failings and shortcomings into that basket

    And stand atop it, hugging herself in glee,

    Reveling in the wonders she has freed.


    I am She

    And I am so very much more

    Than I ever knew or expected.