Writers Voice Guest Request FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Daytime Phone *Website / URL *If you don’t have a website, include the URL for your primary Internet presence (i.e., your blog, Facebook page, etc.)I am: *A traditionally or indie published writerA self-published writerA contracted and soon-to-be-published writerAn unpublished writerAn agentAn editorA publisherSomeone elseCheck ALL that applyI am a member of the following writer's groups. *If none, enter NA.What perspective of the writer's life can you share that will appeal to the podcast's listeners? *Which of the following apply to you: *I prefer a solo guest spotI am willing to appear on a panel of writersI do NOT want to appear on videoI am happy talking extemporaneouslyCheck all that apply.What previous podcast episode was your favorite … and why? *How did you hear about the Writer's Voice podcast? *If a specific person referred you, please provide that person’s name.WebsiteSubmitShare this:TweetEmail