Tag: HSP

  • Are You, or Someone You Know, a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)?

    Are You, or Someone You Know, a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)?

    Are you a HSP? Does any of this sound like you, or someone you know?

    • Do any of the following regularly bother or overwhelm you: loud noises, bright lights, clothing with rough textures, crowds?
    • Do you notice details other people seem to miss?
    • Do you respond emotionally to music, art, and/or nature?
    • Can other people’s moods make you happy, sad, angry, etc.?
    • Are you a deep thinker?
    • Do you prefer small, or one-on-one, gatherings to large social events?
    • Do you have a low tolerance for pain, caffeine, and/or medication?
    • Can movies and books make you cry?
    • Would you prefer to have a deep, intimate conversation instead of engaging in small talk?
    • Has a family member or loved one referred to you as “too sensitive?”
    Are you a HSP?

    I first heard the term highly sensitive person in the late 1990s when my ex-husband presented me with the book written by Elaine Aron, The Highly Sensitive Person. At the time, her research was viewed as controversial and, in the intervening years, is accepted as scientifically accurate. She’s also written several follow up books (https://hsperson.com/books/).

    Here are a few details.

    (At the end of the post, I’ll provide more links if you want to investigate more thoroughly.)

    • HSPs represent about 15-20% of the population.
    • This trait is present in more than 100 different animals. Scientists believe it may be associated with the ability to adapt and survive.
    • HSPs process their thoughts and emotions more deeply than others do. During clinical research, parts of their brain actually respond differently.
    • Because of this deep processing, HSPs tend to become easily overwhelmed by external stimulus (i.e., sounds, smells, bright light, other people’s emotions).

    Are you a HSP? Here’s Elaine Aron’s self-test, if you’re interested: https://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/.

    FYI, of a possible 126, I scored 112, which represents 6.2 on a scale of 7. Anything over a 5 indicates a person is probably highly sensitive. Of course, there are different kinds of sensitivity; I scored higher in some areas than others. These areas are:

    • Overstimulation
    • Sensitivity to positive experiences
    • Social sensitivity
    • Depth of processing
    • Emotional reactivity
    • Sensitivity to details

    What I found interesting about the different scores in the preceding 6 areas, is that I was spot on when it came to recognizing in what areas I’m most sensitive.

    So, what do you think? Are YOU an HSP? Care to share your thoughts?