Tag: Insurance Payoff

  • Book Babble and Insurance Payoff

    Book Babble and Insurance Payoff

    Learn all about Lindaland and my two new monthly get-togethers: Book Babble and Insurance Payoff. If you’re a writer or insurance professional, why don’t you join me?

    Looking Backward

    The past couple of years have been a time of discovery for me, as I stepped away from working full-time in the insurance industry. Now, I’m spending my time:

    • Writing. I finished one novel and am working on another. I’ve also written several short stories and a few insurance textbooks.
    • Teaching live insurance continuing education webinars 3 days a week for BetterCE.
    • Offering training/consulting services.

    I gained some podcasting experience during this time, and you can find short videos on YouTube at Taking the Mystery out of Insurance and The Writer’s Voice playlist. I also created and hosted Craft Chat, a live monthly video meeting where unpublished members of our writer’s organization met with me and another published writer to ask their questions about the craft of writing.

    This coming October I’ll celebrate my 50th year working in the insurance industry, and 2024 marks my 18th year as a published writer. These two industries I love have provided me with the ability to support myself and my family while also allowing me a creative outlet and the ability to realize a personal dream.

    The Here and Now

    Now that I have some time on my hands, I fully intend to have fun and I invite you to join me!

    What I liked most about my podcasts and Craft Chat were the interactions with people who share my interests. Sharing our unique perspectives and experiences was uplifting and, in many cases, inspirational.

    What I liked least was the technical work bringing the podcast conversations to a finished product and limiting my Craft Chat participants to members of my writer’s organization.

    To use an old Romper Room saying, I put my thinking hat on. Then, I grabbed the magic wand my friend Lois McElravy gave me, waved it over my head, and promptly came up with two brilliant ideas. (Okay, I admit, there was more to the process than that!)

    Moving Forward

    I’m now hosting two monthly Zoom meetings at Lindaland: Book Babble and Insurance Payoff. Regardless of which meeting you attend, the setting is one for us to gather, chat freely about topics of interest/concern to us, and support each other.

    • Book Babble – for writers of all genres, published and unpublished
    • Insurance Payoff – for insurance professionals

    I also envision these meetings as offering potential matchmaking opportunities. No, not for romance, silly! But for:

    • Writers who want to connect with possible beta readers, critique partners, and other writers who can help with those craft challenges.
    • Insurance professionals who are seeking access to new markets, refreshing sales ideas, and other industry representatives who can broaden their horizons.

    For more information visit Lindaland on my website.