Category: Announcement

  • Welcome to my Podcast

    Welcome to my Podcast

    The Taking the Mystery out of Insurance podcast is now live! The Welcome episode aired on March 22nd and the official first episode will air on April 21st. Between now and then I’ll be broadcasting trailer episodes to announce upcoming episodes.

    On the podcast, my guests and I take the subject of insurance and break it down into simple language, sharing concepts that help insurance professionals and their clients avoid the pitfalls of confusion and misunderstanding. Each episode will include a Q&A section, were I answer insurance-related questions submitted by listeners.

    You’ll be able to find the podcast on YouTube, Apple, Castos, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Spotify, and Google Play.

    Click here to send your feedback about the podcast, to suggest future topics, or to submit a Q&A request.


  • Book Cover Reveal for Taking the Mystery out of Business

    Book Cover Reveal for Taking the Mystery out of Business

    Thanks to all of you who submitted votes for your preferred version of the new book cover for Taking the Mystery out of Business. I received lots of input, and truly appreciate it.

    As you can see, the blue cover was the favorite, followed by the green cover.

    Stay tuned for the book’s release date. April is coming soon…

    Cover by Shawn Jewett. Feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested in him doing any artwork for you!

  • Cast a vote for your favorite book cover!

    Cast a vote for your favorite book cover!

    Many thanks to cover artist, Shawn Jewett, for designing the cover for the 2nd edition of Taking the Mystery out of Business, which will be released in mid-April. I can’t decide which color I like best, can you help me decide? I’ll announce the “winning” book cover late in the day on Wednesday, March 18th.

    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
    Sorry, the poll has closed. FYI, the blue cover won!


  • What’s your favorite color …

    What’s your favorite color …

    What’s YOUR favorite color … blue or red or green?

    Because I’ll be unveiling the book cover for the second edition of Taking the Mystery out of Business on FRIDAY and I can’t decide which color I like the best.

    On any given day, I’ll generally pick red or green, but I REALLY like the blue cover. So, now I’m having an especially difficult time making up my mind.

    Of course, the cover artist (Shawn Jewett) does such beautiful work, it would never been an easy process to pick just one.

    Check back here on the blog, or on any of my Social Media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook) on Friday to vote for your favorite version of the book cover.