Category: Check It Out

  • Writer’s Block: Unsticking Yourself

    Writer’s Block: Unsticking Yourself

    I’ve found myself stuck on occasion–otherwise known as staring writer’s block in the face. I’ve tried lots of ways to unstick myself, thought I’d found the best, and just discovered the ultimate. Read on and be amazed…

    What being stuck looks like

    For me, writer’s block isn’t the inability to write; I can always write something. The block part comes when I can’t write something GOOD–otherwise known as brilliant, inspiring, or exactly the opposite of the boring, uninspiring trash I just wrote.

    Many years ago, a writer friend of mine (Nancy Harwood Bulk, who has since passed away), gave me some excellent advice. She said that if you hit a snag in your plotting, or you don’t know how your character should respond, make a list of options. And never use the first ten or twenty of them. Her take was that the first things that came to mind would also come to the mind of the reader and, therefore, were a death knell to good fiction.

    I’ve been using that advice for a long time. And, I’m sorry to say, it hasn’t helped me craft the opener my new book. (Which I’m pantsing, by the way. First time for everything.) In the past two weeks, I’ve rewritten the opener about eight times and changed the starting point as many times. I’m nearly bald from ripping my hair out.

    Image by luxstorm from Pixabay

    What getting unstuck looks like

    Because what we writers do when we hit a snag is conduct online research and become embroiled in procrastination, I began searching for creativity tips. Lo and behold, the creativity gods smiled and pointed me in the direction of my latest treasure. In turn, I’m sharing it with you.

    You’re welcome.

    After following this guy’s advice I completely turned around my block and have a TON of excellent ideas to work with … and already started putting them into action. I share the link three paragraphs down.

    My first go-to for any advice about writing is Writer’s Digest and it had some great articles. If you don’t already have a subscription, get one. The online version is much less expensive than the paper/mailed version. I get both.

    I stumbled across several by Jane Friedman, whom I love, which prompted me to visit her website. And that’s where I struck gold. FYI, I don’t know her, never met her, and am not being compensated in any way for this recommendation. She’s just too good not to share.

    Jason Keath wrote an article on her website in October of last year, which I obviously missed. Clearly, Karma knew I’d need it more now than I did then … and that you would too. Bad Ideas for More Creative Writing ( contains three different tips:

    • The Bad Idea Method
    • Constraint Questions
    • The Fast & Ugly Draft

    The Bad Idea Method worked for me and is now my new go-to. How do you get unstuck? What do you think of Jason’s ideas?

  • What Do Writing Fiction, Watercolor Painting, and Crystals Have in Common?

    What Do Writing Fiction, Watercolor Painting, and Crystals Have in Common?

    To answer the question, what do writing fiction, watercolor painting, and crystals have in common? the answer is: ME!

    I’m finding myself seeking something different from Social Media these days, something more in line with what matters to me. I know that sounds selfish (because it is) but maybe you feel the same way.

    Now that I’m semi-retired and able to spend more time doing what I love (writing fiction, watercolor painting, and crystals), I find that I prefer to “chat” with people who share the same interests. A flash of inspiration struck, so I’m now prompting conversations on these (and other interesting to me) topics on my blog over at

    Feel free to head over and join in the exchange! Some of the conversations appearing soon include:

    • What’s Your Favorite Type of Crystal/Gemstone? (posting at noon on Monday, 2/3)
    • Are You, or Someone You Know, a Highly Sensitive Person? (posting on Friday, 2/7)
    • Are You a Pantser, Plotter, or BOTH? (posting on Monday, 2/10)
    • Sometimes, Do You Just KNOW? (posting on Friday, 2/13)
  • Matt Medeiros Talks Content Marketing (Part 1)

    Matt Medeiros Talks Content Marketing (Part 1)

    If you’d rather watch a video than listen to a podcast, here’s Matt’s take about how you need to be sharing your business information. Matt talks about websites, blogging, podcasting, and creating video to help spread your brand.
  • Spotlight on Matt Medeiros

    Spotlight on Matt Medeiros

    I interviewed Matt Medeiros recently for Episode 3 of my Podcast, Taking the Mystery out of Insurance. Matt specializes in content marketing, from blogging to podcasting, all the way up to email capture automation and social media. Essentially, Matt can do anything to help a business or professional build an effective brand.

    He’s a man of many talents, generous with his time, always willing to help others. I’ve known Matt for more than 20 years. In fact, I was his first business client–he built a computer for my first insurance agency when he was still in college!

    Slocum Studio is a business Matt established with his father and, through that business, Matt and his associates helped me design a couple of websites and create two logos. Currently, one of his ventures, helps entrepreneurs in the South Coast of Massachusetts build their businesses. He also works for Pagely, which provides Managed WordPress Hosting.

    To learn more about Matt and what he does, or to reach out to him for help with your content marketing needs, visit him at or on Twitter at @MattMedeiros. You can also listen to Matt’s interview on the podcast to pick up tips about what you DO want to do, and what you DON’T want to do, on your website and with social media.

    Later in the week, I’ll be publishing 2 short video excerpts of the podcast on my YouTube channel.