If you conduct research online, you see conflicting opinions about the beneficial effects of crystals, or crystal healing. Scientists pooh-pooh their ability to cure or alleviate stress and medical conditions. Others swear by their healing properties.
What’s your go-to when you’re upset? Do you grab a snack? Smoke a cigarette? Go for a run? Or do you reach for a rock, or a piece of glass, or a favorite necklace, bracelet, or ring?
Crystal Energy
No matter what you do when you’re upset, you DO something. And that involves energy. The energy of digesting, breathing smoke into your lungs, or getting those muscles moving. The energy of going inward, joining your mind and body through touch.
Now, if you know me (or even got a good look at me), you know I’m a fan of eating and not so much of a fan when it comes to spending time exercising. Fortunately, I’ve never smoked. And I’m always reaching for that crystal—whether it’s a stone I can pocket, hold in my hand, or wear as jewelry.
I have crystals scattered all around my house. Tumbled stones in glass dishes and seashells. Palm stones, worry stones, and raw/untreated pieces on my desk and night table. Towers and free forms on my bookshelves. I feel their energy and, because they often calm me, I feel “crystal healing.”
When my grandson was about seven years old, he discovered the crystals in my living room. He asked if he could pick his favorite stone in each of the glass bowls. See the image of the stones in the heart-shaped dish? Those are the stones he chose … and they’re all aventurine, just different colors. When I asked him why he picked those stones he shrugged. “I just like them, Grammy.”

Favorite crystals
What crystals, rocks, or stones do you “just like?” I’m always drawn to the jaspers and agates. I also have an affinity for some types of quartz. Rose quartz and amethyst are the most popular, but their energy seldom resonates with me. I prefer Herkimer, clear, and smoky quartz, along with citrine.

The energy in some crystals is too strong for me. I feel weird when I wear them. I think malachite is one of the most beautiful crystals out there regardless of whether it’s the deep, dark green of a natural untreated stone, or the multicolored stripes of a tumbled stone. Unfortunately, when I wear it I get a headache.
I prefer the red and brown and green jaspers; I find them calming and grounding when I’m stressed. And I haven’t found an agate I don’t like. My favorites are moss agate and Montana agate. I sleep better when I wear moss agate and aventurine bracelets on my left wrist. Normally, I don’t remember my dreams; but when I wear Montana agate to bed, I do.
Your take
What’s your take on crystals and the energy they emit? Do you have a favorite crystal?