Category: Webinar (Insurance CE)

  • Insuring Cannabis Businesses – Issues and Problems

    Insuring Cannabis Businesses – Issues and Problems

    Insuring cannabis businesses can be problematic. During the course of the past two years, I’ve written several new insurance continuing education (CE) online and webinar courses for my client, A.D. Banker & Company. One of the most recent webinars is Insuring Cannabis Risks.

    The course is the brainchild of inquiries submitted by individuals who attended a free monthly webinar I co-host with A.D. Banker vice president, Pam Reihs. During each 1-hour Insurance Trends Webinar, Pam and I talk about insurance topics of current relevancy. How to insure cannabis businesses is always at the top of the list. Questions we often receive are:

    • Why isn’t cannabis/marijuana legal in all the states?
    • In what states IS marijuana legal?
    • What about hemp, that’s legal, isn’t it?
    • Why is it so hard for cannabis businesses to establish relationships with banks and credit card companies?
    • What insurance companies write insurance for cannabis businesses?

    The insurance CE webinar answers these and other questions for licensed insurance professionals. I recently wrote two blog posts for A.D. Banker that summarizes the most important information contained in the course. So, for you insurance and non-insurance people alike, feel free to visit those blog posts:

    Check back as I provide ongoing updates about this evolving insurance marketplace. To register for the insurance CE webinar, click here. You can find my insurance webinar schedule here.

  • May Webinar Dates

    My May schedule of webinars for A.D. Banker is now available:

    • May 05 | 11:30 a.m. | Driving into the Future: Uber, Drones, and Driverless Cars
    • May 11 | 11:30 a.m. | Emerging Technologies & Market
    • May 14 | 8:30 a.m. | Anti-Money Laundering 1-hour Refresher
    • May 19 | 11:30 a.m. | Ethics in Action
    • May 28 | 8:30 a.m. | Anti-Money Laundering

    For more information, or to register, click here.

  • March CE Webinar Schedule

    March CE Webinar Schedule

    My insurance CE webinar schedule for March is now available.

    In addition to the regular monthly webinars, I also teach the New York Regulation 187 webinar (scroll down the CE Webinar Schedule page to find those dates), and the FREE Lunch & Learn webinars along with Pam Reihs. The Lunch & Learn webinars are NOT for CE credit; however, those who attend the entire webinar can receive a Professional Development Certificate.

  • May Webinar Schedule Available

    To view the new webinar dates on my schedule, either click here or click on the Calendar or Insurance links at the top of the website to see my CE Webinar Schedule.

  • Have You Ever Attended an Insurance CE Webinar?

    If not, you might want to consider it.

    The webinar classes I teach are live, just like classroom seminars. The difference between a seminar and a webinar is that you attend a webinar from whatever location you choose rather than in a classroom chosen by the CE provider.

    You don’t need to pass an exam to receive CE credit and, so long as you comply with the CE requirements of your state, you can participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing.

    No, you don’t have to speak via your microphone. No, you don’t have to use your webcam and appear to anyone. You are required to periodically raise your hand (electronically) and send messages via the system but, otherwise, no one sees or hears you in the traditional sense.

    My April webinar schedule for insurance CE is now available. Why not check them out?