Category: Writing

  • My Take on the BEST Writing Tool

    I attended the New England Crime Bake last month for the second year in a row. Once again, I came home with the BEST advice and innumerable insights that have helped me immeasurably with my writing.

    This year, one of the panelists at a workshop I attended, a multi-published author, mentioned that she uses Scrivener to write her books and wouldn’t consider writing a book using any other tools/software. I checked the software out, was impressed, and downloaded the free trial.

    What appealed to me about the software was its claims that I could not only write my book in the software, I could also keep all my research notes, photos, resources, resource URLs, etc. in the same program AND refer to them while I was writing. Here’s why this appealed to me, and why I didn’t hesitate to spend the very reasonable $49 fee for a license to the product (which I can download on multiple devices):

    • I’d been writing my books (and all my works in progress) in Microsoft Word
    • I’d been keeping all my story notes, research, resources, images, URLs, etc. in Microsoft OneNote
    • I had to keep 2 programs open all the time when I was writing (or plotting, or researching), and switch back and forth between them (when traveling, or working on my laptop, this proved to be a difficult task–especially with respect to way saved my files in the cloud and had my syncing between devices set up)

    There was a little learning curve once I started using Scrivener, but that was shortened immensely by the fact that I read the entire manual while I had the program open before I began doing anything with it. (I didn’t bother reading the fourth section of the manual Final Phases, until after I’d been using the software for a while.)

    I absolutely ADORE Scrivener. One of my favorite things about it is I can write each scene separately. Sure, if I want to write each chapter with all its scenes intact, I can do that, too. But if something comes to me and I just want to write, I have that flexibility. All the scenes, chapters, folders, etc. are kept in a Binder that shows in a navigation pane. I can move anything around by simply clicking and dragging.

    For those of you who HAVE to outline and write in order, Scrivener lets you do that. For those of you who write organically, you can just write scenes and then stitch them together later. And for those of you like me, who outline AND write organically depending upon the moment … and the characters it’s wonderful.

    You can use Scrivener with Microsoft and Mac, and you can easily export the files of your choice into any of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, TXT, ODT, HTML, XHTML, PS, EPUB, MOBI, MMD, FODT, OPML, and TEX.

    Do any of you use it? If so, tell me what you do and don’t like about it? If you don’t use it, check it out!

    Here’s the link for Scriveners for Windows, and here’s the link for Scrivener for Mac OS, and here’s the link for Scrivener for iOS.



  • I am Back!

    Just a quick post to let you know I have not fallen off the face of the earth. The month of April brought that horrible stomach flu to my household and had us all laying low for nearly two weeks.

    Fortunately, the bug released its grip in time for us to head out to Florida on vacation, as planned, and for me to enjoy my birthday and Easter.

    I’ll be releasing my April Insurance Tidbits newsletter before the end of the month, along with my quarterly writing newsletter, Get it Write.In addition, my May webinar schedule will be posted tomorrow!

  • February newsletter

    If you’d like to read the February issue of Get it Write, it’s now available online.

    The spotlighted author this month is Michael J. Malone.

  • 8 Resources for Staying Safe Online

    Most people are fully aware of their vulnerability to cyber crime; however, most don’t know precisely what they can do about it–or where to do for information.

    According to the 2019 Cyber Barometer published last month by Generali Global Assistance, more than 50% of individuals around the world were the victim of a cyber crime, or knew someone who was. In the U.S. credit card theft and identity theft are currently the most common forms of cyber crime. If you would like to view an infographic of Generali’s study, click here.

    I have come across a LOT of websites when conducting research for the insurance courses I write that provide tips and advice to people seeking to protect themselves. URLs to those websites, and the valuable information they provide, appear below. I hope you find some of the helpful!

    1. Consumer info from the FTC:
    2. Identity Theft Resource Center:
    3. Security Awareness Free Resources (click Resources Tab at the top right of the home page):
    4. Security Tips (MANY of them, for various types of threats), from US-CERT:
    5. IRS Tax Scams:
    6. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse:
    7. How Secure Is My Password:
    8. Password Generator Tool:
  • Do You Remember These Lyrics?

    Every once in a while a song will just begin running through my head, for no apparent reason.

    No, it’s not because I heard it on the radio–I don’t listen to the radio much these days. I don’t watch TV, either. All the noise distracts me from whatever work or writing I’m doing.

    And you know what’s really odd? I know all the words!

    The songs can be from a long time ago, like when I was in high school in the early 70’s. Sometimes, they’re from before I was born but I know them because they were favorites of my parents.

    So, here’s a challenge for you – and no cheating by looking up the lyrics online!

    What song advises you to not go “hustlin’ people strange to you”?

    I’ve been singing this song for days!