I don’t know about you, but when I signed up for my first social media account (Linked In), it was at the suggestion of my daughter. As a recruiter, she suggested I get my name out there and network with other business professionals. Not only could I keep up with business associates all across the country, she informed me, I’d be able to solicit writing contracts. Sounded like a plan…
How I Used to View Social Media
Linked In has always been a great resource. Professionally, many of the initial contacts past clients made with me were a result of viewing my Linked In profile. Currently, students attending my webinars and reading my books reach out to me via the site.
Of course, there’s always the guys purporting to be high-ranking members of the military or physicians who are blown away by my beauty. My nearly 70-year-old, chubby, gray-haired beauty. These guys invariably apologize for seeking a personal relationship on a business site. Then again, given my beauty…
After Linked In, I gravitated to Facebook to keep in touch with my family on the east coast when I lived in Montana. Then, when I moved back east, I created a business Facebook page and a Twitter (now X) page to keep in touch with business associates in the west.
More recently, I created an Instagram profile so I could follow artists and watch their watercolor painting reels. (I started painting a year ago and am fascinated by how artists handle their water, paint, and brushes.)
Here’s the thing: I joined each social media site for a specfic purpose. And that purpose was being social. Social as in keeping up with what’s happening in the lives of my family, friends, and business associates who aren’t within going-out-to-dinner distance.
How I View Social Media Now
When I log into my accounts now, I’m still able to engage in all the same social interactions I’ve always enjoyed. Unfortunately, my feeds and timelines have become infested with an unpleasant amount of UNsocial and ANTIsocial commentary.
It’s probably not as much, quantity-wise, as it seems. And it’s probably just the negativity bias at work that’s upsetting me. But it still gets me down. Actually, it’s starting to make me angry.
Not because I have a problem with people voicing their opinions. After all, I’m a writer and a 100% proponent of free speech. I believe people should be able to say whatever they want, whether it’s verbally or in writing.
What I have a problem with is people verbalizing their opinions everywhere, regardless of the forum, 24 hours a day–without exercising common sense or consideration for others.
I don’t want to see posts about politics, religion, abused animals, murdered women, and all kinds of negative things when I visit my social media. That stuff isn’t exactly social.
Why can’t we have networks dedicated to conversation about ONLY politics? Or ONLY religion? Or ONLY the awful, nasty, crap that’s going on in the world? And when I want to read about that stuff, I can visit those sites? And when I want to chat with my grandkids, or watch dog videos, or keep up with my buddies in Missoula I can do JUST those things?
Sure, I can filter what I see in my feeds and timelines. And I’ve done that. However, the fact that I’ve snoozed for 30 days the feeds of nearly one-third of my Facebook friends troubles me. And has prompted me to reconsider logging in. Maybe even cancelling my accounts.
News, Opinion, and Social media
Once upon a time, when I watched the news on TV or read a newspaper I believed I was watching individuals report what had happened, without bias. If bias existed (and let’s face it, it had to at some level–reporters are humans), it was frowned upon, kept to a minimum, or we didn’t know about it.
Now, wherever we go, we’re bombarded with other people’s opinions and their biases. And often, these judgments are stated as facts. An opinion is a perspective or a judgment. A fact is something that exists. It’s real, it doesn’t just exist in someone’s mind.
Opinions aren’t facts!
We need to remember this.
We should also respect the fact that not everyone cares to hear our opinions. Just because another person doesn’t share our opinion, it doesn’t automatically make that person wrong, bad, stupid, or the enemy. I suspect that if you were to share all your opinions with any one person and in exchange receive all that person’s opinions, you’d find far more you agree with than you disagree with.
Regardless, different opinions don’t automatically make one of them right and the other wrong. Or one good and the other bad.
If I were dating again (and let’s hope that never happens), I’d act on several biases I have. One with respect to hair color and another with repsect to certain recreational activities. Are they fair? No. Am I sharing them with you now or would I in the future tell a guy Hell, no! I won’t date you because of your disgusting X hair color or awful preference to XX in your spare time!? No, I am not and would not. Why? Because I care about your feelings and those of the (fictional) guy with the X hair and fondness for XX.
I guess I’m concerned with what seems to be some people’s total lack of empathy for those whose opinions differ from their own.
What’s your take on social media?
How do you feel about social media? Is it doing what you want it to do? Are you still finding it “social?” I’m not. I’m seriously considering throwing in my towel.
I’m so very disappointed with people I used to admire. My disappointment isn’t with their views. It’s with their intolerance. It’s with people from all walks of life, with all kinds of opinions on all sides of every issue, turning nasty, intolerant, and downright abusive.
These people have a right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, and wherever they want. I get it. I just wish they were more considerate.
Perhaps sharing my perspective will help them view their own from a different angle…