I’ve finally surrendered and accepted the fact that I am two distinctly different people: the quirky, creative, oddball with the graphic imagination and the somewhat conservative businesswoman. This website is devoted to the real me, the one who wakes up at night envisioning dead bodies rolling down hillsides and plopping into creeks. If you want to learn more about the “normal” person, visit my Linda Faulkner website–assuming, of course, that a person who loves to write about insurance is normal.
THIS is the site where my meanderings about the world of writing fiction will appear, along with guest posts from other writers I know. So, if you’re a writer who’s interested in getting some publicity for yourself, send me an email at Linda@LindaMcHenry.com with your inquiry.
Tell me what you think about the new website. The folks at Slocum Design Studio will be thrilled to receive your feedback and any inquiries you might have about their services.
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