To answer the question, what do writing fiction, watercolor painting, and crystals have in common? the answer is: ME!
I’m finding myself seeking something different from Social Media these days, something more in line with what matters to me. I know that sounds selfish (because it is) but maybe you feel the same way.
Now that I’m semi-retired and able to spend more time doing what I love (writing fiction, watercolor painting, and crystals), I find that I prefer to “chat” with people who share the same interests. A flash of inspiration struck, so I’m now prompting conversations on these (and other interesting to me) topics on my blog over at
Feel free to head over and join in the exchange! Some of the conversations appearing soon include:
- What’s Your Favorite Type of Crystal/Gemstone? (posting at noon on Monday, 2/3)
- Are You, or Someone You Know, a Highly Sensitive Person? (posting on Friday, 2/7)
- Are You a Pantser, Plotter, or BOTH? (posting on Monday, 2/10)
- Sometimes, Do You Just KNOW? (posting on Friday, 2/13)
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